Sunday, September 30, 2007

Timber Rattlesnake

The timber rattlesnake is a kind of pit viper. They breed in fall, shortly after emergence from hibernation. A female viper gives birth every other year and they have 5 to 17 young. The babies are about 10 to 13 inches when hatched. Their habitats are remote wooded hillsides with rock outcrops in the north unsettled swampy areas, canebrake thickets, and floodplains in the south. Their range is extreme southwest. They range from south to north in Maine, west into southeast in Florida, Minnesota and central Texas. The timber rattlesnake's scientific name is Crotalas borridus. They are active April to October. In the day time, spring and fall. The timber rattlesnake preys on squirrels, mice, chipmunks, and even small birds.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


The coyote breeds February to April and of 1 to 19 babies. April to May they go in a underground burrow. Their habitats are in the west open plains in east brushy areas. Their scientific name is Canis latrans.There scientific name means barking dog. There range is generally common through east and west Alaska, to south west Canada, and all of west USA. The coyote usually runs 25 to 30 miles per hour. The coyote runs with it's tail down unlike other dogs. They eat rabbits, mice, ground squirrels, pocket gophers and other small animals as well as birds, frogs, toads, snakes, insects, fruits and carrion from larger animals. Most live for 6 to 8 years.Other predators like grizzly bears, black bears, mountain lions and wolves used to make there population go lower.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

black-knobbed sawback

The black-knobbed sawback nests in July.It lays about 6 eggs. Their habitats are sand and clay bottomed streams. Their scientific name is Graptemys nigrinoda. There range is under the fall line rivers of the Mobile Bay drainage, Alabama and Mississippi. It sleeps on logs and brush piles, and eats insects.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


The male orca's dorsal fin is bigger then a females dorsal fin. There are 20 to 26 conical teeth in each jaw. Each tooth curves backward and inward they are used to tear it's prey in small chunks. They hunt alone or in groups. They can kill things as large as blue whale calves. They are found through every ocean in the world. The orca has the largest distribution of any whale. Coastal and cool waters are its preferred habitat. They live for about 30 years. They have about one baby. Their mating season is December to June in the southern hemisphere May to July in the northern hemisphere. It is one of the most dangerous sea animals. Their gestation period is 15 to 17 months. They eat fish, squid, seals, sea lions and other whales including minke and grey whale.

Monday, September 24, 2007


The tail of a puma is long. It has a black tip. It's sharp canines stab into it's prey and hold it down. It can kill prey many times is own weight . It's ears are highly sensitive. They eat mammals, birds and insects. Their mating season varies on their habitat. Their gestation period is 90 to 95 days. Pumas live up to 20 years. They have 1 to 4 babies. They are found through America to northwestern Canada to the southernmost tip of Argentina. The puma is more powerful then a tiger.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Like all rodents, the beaver has two pairs of large incisor teeth that grow continuously. They chew on wood to sand down their orange teeth. The coat is made up of two types of hair. Its tail is like a rudder while swimming underwater. The beaver is the worlds best builder. Found throughout most of North America, south from the Arctic Circle across Alaska and Canada, to northern Mexico. Their mating season is January to February. They eat leaves, ferns, herbs, grasses, algae, twigs and woody stems. They live about 15 to 24 years.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

golden eagle

The golden eagle uses its hooked bill to rip up prey. Prey is caught with its sharp talons. They live up to 25 years. The back talon is the sharper one. They live in the west and the north USA, eastern Canada,the mountain parts of Europe,east through much of central and northern Asia. Also parts of Africa. They eat mammals, birds, lizards and carrion. There mating season is February to July. Their eyes can detect prey from air.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

battle at Kruger

squirrel monkey

The squirrel monkey eats fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, insects, flowers, buds, leaves, spider,and small vertebrates. They live 7 to 10 years. They have 1 baby. They breed September to November. They live in large troops. The least threatened and most numerous of all south American primates. They live in tropical forest of south America, from the eastern edges of the Andes in Columbia and northern Peru to northeastern Brazil. They live at all levels of the forest.

three toed sloth

When sloths are upside down they eat and sleep. Sloths have excellent camouflage. They have 1 baby. The sloth lives 12 to 20 years. Sloths have blue and green algae on them. Babies have yellow algae and older ones have green algae. The three toed sloth has been found in parts of central America's tropical forests, from Honduras in the far north of the range, south through much of Brazil. The sloth have 8 to 9 neck vertebrate, the highest number in any animal. The sloth has sharp incisor in its jaws, the sloth uses its horny lips to bite mouthfuls of leaves.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Marine Iguana

Marine iguanas have teeth that each have sharp points for sheering through the tough fronds of seaweed. The males are bigger than the females. The iguana's tail is flattened sideways and used like an oar to swim in the water. The marine iguana's feet have long claws, enabling the iguana to cling to rocks under the water. They are found on the coast of the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands are 621.4 miles off the coast of Ecuador. Their mating season is at the end of the rainy season and occurs during the first few months of the year. They live to be about 20-40 years old. Their main diet is seaweed.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


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tiger shark

Tiger sharks have teeth curved to the side with serrated edges. New teeth grow all the time to replace those that have been worn or damaged.The tiger shark is one of the most dangerous sharks in the world. The sharks lifespan is 40 to 50 years. They have normally 10 to 40 young. Sometimes even 80 young! They eat fish, seabirds, sea mammals and sea turtles.They are found along the coastlines of tropical oceans, especially around coral reefs on occasion , has been spotted as far north as Greenland.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Red Kite

The red kite's tail is like a rudder moving from side to side. It's talons are slightly curved. Long wings are adapted to lengthly periods in the air and provide a high degree of maneuverability. Their life span is up to 26 years. They mainly eat medium size mammals, birds, and reptiles. They lay about two to four eggs, and the breeding season is from March to July. They live around Europe and about 90 percent are in Germany, France and Spain. There is a small but growing number in Britain, with a few in Morocco and the Cape Verde Islands.

giant forest hog

Giant forest hogs have two horns on their nose.Their mating season is year round.They have about 2 to 11 young. They eat grass and foliage.They are found in humid forest regions in central Africa, but scattered populations stretch from Liberia in the south western Ethiopia,Kenya and northern Tanzania.The young are camouflage but they get darker like their parents.


Walruses have sensitive whiskers to detect prey on the seabed. Walruses are found on the edges of the Arctic, on the coasts of northern North America, Greenland, northern Norway,Siberia and the Kamchatka peninsula. The tusks are formed from two canine teeth.Their mating season is February to April.Their lifespan is up to 40 years.


Wolverines have five claws on their foot. And strong jaws to eat. They can be found in northern North America, the northern sub Arctic islands, northern Eurasia from Scandinavia east to Siberia and Greenland. Like skunks, wolverines can blow out yellow and green liquid over a distance of 3 feet or more.There mating season is in late April to July.Wolverine's scientific names are Gulo gulo.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I will be posting a picture of an animal and facts about that animal once every day. I hope you enjoy my blog.