Monday, October 29, 2007
blue marlin
Blue marlin are the most tropical of all marlins but are distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans; a single stock is assumed for each ocean. In the Atlantic, blue marlin range from New England to Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, and Uruguay; in the Pacific, the are seen from southern California (rarely) to Chile and Hawaii. In common with striped marlin, they are rarely encountered in shallow nearshore waters, preferring blue, oceanic waters. The blue marlin is the largest of the marlins, common to 11 feet, and known to exceed 2,000 pounds. Blue marlin feed primarily on tunas and other pelagic fishes and to a lesser extent on young reef fishes and squid. It is difficult to find a blue marlin over 10 years old, however they are believed to live up to 15 years.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wolves are the largest members of the dog family. Adaptable gray wolves are by far the most common and were once found all over the Northern Hemisphere. Though they almost never attack humans, wolves are considered one of the animal world's most fearsome natural villains. They do attack domestic animals, and countless wolves have been shot, trapped, and poisoned because of this tendency. In the lower 48 states, gray wolves were hunted to near extinction, though some populations survived and others have since been reintroduced. Few gray wolves survive in Europe, though many live in Alaska, Canada, and Asia. Red wolves actually got extinct in the wild in 1980. Today, perhaps 100 red wolves survive in the wild. They live 6 to 8 years in the wild.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Their natural habitat is the Ituri Forest, a dense rain forest in central Africa.They live about 33 years in captivity. They have 1 baby and about 35 lb when born. Their gestation period is 427 to 491. They eat Buds, shoots of trees, grass, ferns, fruit, fungi and manioc. Okapis have large, dark eyes, big ears, and a long black tongue which they use to strip leaves from branches. The okapi is related to is believed that there are currently about 25,000 okapis in the wild. They look as if they were related to zebras. But the stripes are very good camouflage. Adult males can travel up to 2.5 miles a day.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Leatherback sea turtle
Leatherback sea turtles are among the most endangered animals on the planet. These reptilian relics, part of a family of turtles that lived over 100 million years ago, are the only remaining representatives of their genus. They survived the demise of the dinosaurs and now teeter on the brink of extinction themselves. Leatherbacks are the largest turtles on Earth, growing up to 8.5 feet (2.6 meters) in length and exceeding 2,000 pounds (907 kilograms). They may live 45 years or more. The worldwide population is estimated at about 26,000 to 43,000 nesting females annually.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Tapirs look something like pigs with trunks, but they are actually related to horses and rhinoceroses. This eclectic lineage is an ancient one—and so is the tapir itself. Scientists believe that these animals have changed little over tens of millions of years. Tapirs have a short prehensile (gripping) trunk, which is really an extended nose and upper lip. They use this trunk to grab branches and clean them of leaves or to help pluck tasty fruit. Tapirs feed each morning and evening. During these hours they follow tunnel-like paths, worn through the heavy brush by many a tapir footstep, to reach water holes and lush feeding grounds. As they roam and defecate they deposit the seeds they have consumed and promote future plant growth. New World tapirs generally live in the forests and grasslands of Central and South America. A notable exception is the mountain (or woolly), tapir, which lives high in the Andes Mountains. Woolly tapirs, named for their warm and protective coat, are the smallest of all tapirs. They are herbivores. They live for 25 to 30 years.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Eastern diamondback rattlesnake
The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is the largest venomous snake in North America. Some reach 8 feet (2.4 meters) in length and weigh up to 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms). These stout-bodied pit vipers generally live in the dry, pine flatwoods, sandy woodlands, and coastal scrub habitats from southern North Carolina to Florida and west to Louisiana. Their pattern of yellow-bordered, light-centered black diamonds makes them among the most strikingly adorned of all North American reptiles. They are natural exterminators, surviving on such household pests as rats and mice, as well as squirrels and birds.Feared as deadly and aggressive, diamondbacks are actually highly averse to human contact and only attack in defense. Most bites occur when humans taunt or try to capture or kill a rattlesnake. They can accurately strike at up to one-third their body length.Did you know? Baby rattlers can actually be more dangerous than adults because they have less control over the amount of venom they inject. They live 10 to 20 years. They are carnivores.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The Toco toucan is at home in South America's tropical forests but recognized everywhere. The toucan's oversized, colorful bill has made it one of the world's most popular birds. The 7.5-inch-long (19-centimeter-long) bill may be seen as a desirable mating trait, but if so, it is one that both male and female toucans possess. In fact, both sexes use their bills to catch tasty morsels and pitch them to one another during a mating ritual fruit toss.As a weapon, the bill is a bit more show than substance. It is a honeycomb of bone that actually contains a lot of air. While its size may deter predators, it is of little use in combating them.The birds use them to reach fruit on branches that are too small to support their weight, and also to skin their pickings. In addition to fruit, Toco toucans eat insects and, sometimes, young birds, eggs, or lizards. They nest in tree holes. They are omnivores.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Twice the size of the average housecat, the ocelot is a sleek animal with a gorgeous dappled coat. These largely nocturnal cats use keen sight and hearing to hunt rabbits, rodents, iguanas, fish, and frogs. They also take to the trees and stalk monkeys or birds. Unlike many cats, they do not avoid water and can swim other cats, ocelots are adapted for eating meat. They have pointed fangs used to deliver a killing bite, and sharp back teeth that can tear food like scissors. Ocelots do not have teeth appropriate for chewing, so they tear their food to pieces and swallow it whole. Their raspy tongues can clean a bone of every last tasty morsel.Many ocelots live under the leafy canopies of South American rain forests, but they also inhabit brushlands and can be found as far north as Texas. They are mammals.They are carnivores.
green baskilisk
The basilisk has a amazing ability it can run on top of water. It is a reptile. It is a omnivore meaning it eats meat and plants. Did you know? Basilisk lizards are very good swimmers and are capable of staying underwater for up to 30 min. Abundant in the tropical rain forests of Central America, from southern Mexico to Panama, green basilisks spend much of their time in the trees and are never far from a body of water. When threatened, they can drop from a tree into the water and sprint, upright, about 5 feet (1.5 meters) per second across the surface. Part of the iguana family, green basilisks grow to about 2 feet (61 centimeters) in length, including their long, whip-like tail. Males have distinctive, high crests on their heads and backs, which they use to impress females. They lay their eggs in shallow trenches and lay up to 20 eggs. Hatchlings are born with the ability to run (on land and water), climb, and swim. Size relative to a 6ft (2m) man:
Friday, October 12, 2007
leopard gecko
The scientific name is Eublepharis macularius .The leopard geckos favorite food is crickets and mealworms. The life cycle is that the female mates, goes and find a good place for the eggs, digs a hole, and then buries the eggs. She scampers off and in two to three months the eggs hatch and in two to three days the young start to hunt. The leopard geckos' life span is about 20 years in the wild, and about 15 years in cages. The leopard geckos live alone most of their lives, except when mating.Their tail is filled with fat and they munch on it when they can't find food. They're nocturnal animals, which means they are active during the night. The leopard gecko has a movable eyelid. When they are attacked they can make their tails fall right off their bodys. The habitat for the leopard gecko is warm areas with rocks for shelter. It's geographic range is in southeast Asia and Pakistan. In our class the leopard geckos' habitat includes water, food, rocks, and shelter. I also have one.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
black mamba
Black mambas are fast, nervous, lethally venomous, and when threatened, highly aggressive. They have been blamed for numerous human deaths, and African myths exaggerate their capabilities to legendary proportions. For these reasons, the black mamba is widely considered the world’s deadliest snake. Black mambas live in the savannas and rocky hills of southern and eastern Africa. They are Africa’s longest venomous snake, reaching up to 14 feet (4.5 meters) in length, although 8.2 feet (2.5 meters) is more the average. They are also among the fastest snakes in the world, slithering at speeds of up to 12.5 miles per hour (20 kilometers per hour)type: Reptile
They are carnivores.
Average lifespan in captivity: 11 years or more
Did you know? Black mambas use their incredible speed to escape threats, not to hunt prey.
Growing up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) long from nose to tail tip, and weighing up to 26 pounds (12 kilograms It is the largest carnivore and top predator native to Madagascar and is known to feed on lemurs and most other creatures it can get its claws on, from wild pigs to mice. Unlike mongooses, and more like felines, the fossa has retractable claws and fearsome catlike teeth. Its coat is reddish brown and its muzzle resembles that of a dogType. Their avarage lifespan is 15 years.
Monday, October 8, 2007
alligator snapping turtle
The prehistoric-looking alligator snapping turtle is the biggest freshwater turtle in North America and among the biggest in the whole world. Found almost exclusively in the rivers, canals, and lakes of the southeastern US, alligator snappers have a lifespan of 50 to 100 years old! Males average 26 inches (66 centimeters) in shell length and weigh about 175 lbs (79.4 kilograms), although they have been known to exceed 220 lbs (100 kilograms). The much smaller females top out at around 50 lbs (22.7 kilograms). They are a reptile and are a predetar.
The alligator snapper uses a unique natural lure in its hunting technique. Its tongue is like a bright-red, worm-shaped piece of flesh that, when displayed by a motionless turtle on a river bottom, draws curious fish or frogs close enough to be snatched and eaten. Their scientific name is Macrochelys temminckii.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Blue and yellow macaw
The long tail helps them keep their balance while perching on high branches. They have very good camouflaged in their habitat. One of the largest and gaudiest of all parrots. It has a very sharp bill to crack open nuts. The macaw has has 2 backwards claws and 2 forward claws like most parrots and macaws. The live in native to forest lowland areas of Central and South America from eastern Panama south through the Amazon basin to northern Bolivia and southeastern Brazil. Also found on the island of Trinidad. They live up to 50 years in captivity. They eat seeds, fruits, and nuts. Its scientific name is Ara ararauna.
Friday, October 5, 2007
King vulture
The king vulture's talons are weak. They just walk around. They do not cary or catch their prey in the air. They have a super strong bill that can rip through the toughest hides. Their eyes are very colurful. The babies eventually get there color when they are 4 years old. Their young are black. They have 1 egg. They breed March to August. They have a wingspand 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet and 5 inches. Their lifespan is unknown. They range from central Mexico through Central America into South America, as far south as northern Argentina.They are also found on the island Trinidad in the Caribbean
Thursday, October 4, 2007
leopard seal
A layer of blubber provides a warm insulation from icy waters for the seals. The female leopard seal is larger then the male. Adult females are about 5 percent longer than the males and are 13 percent heavier then the males. They are awsome swimmers and hunters. They have a muscular body and are armed with savage teeth and powerful jaws. It is the only seal that normally eats warm blooded animals including penguins and other seals. It moves akwardly on land and icefloats. The leopard seal ranges from the fringes of Antarcticas packice in the summer, north torwards the coast of South America, South Africa and Australlia in the winter. The leopard seal eats krill, fish, squid, penguins, other seabirds and young seals. They have 1 baby. Their gestation period is 9 months, plus 3 months from delayed implantation. Their breeding time is November to February. They live for 25 years.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
pig frog
Its voice is a short sound like a pig, thats how it got it's name. Its breeding time is March to September. Tadpoles are 5 inches long. Their habitats are marshes, shores of lakes, ponds and other waters with a dense cover of emergent or floating vegetation. They're known as a kind of bullfrog.They are the most aquatic bullfrog. Pig frogs get sought for there edible legs. It eats a lot of crayfish. It spends most of it's time floating. Their scientific name is Rana grylio.
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