Sunday, December 30, 2007


When a penguins walk they move side to side which is called waddling . Penguins are excellent swimmers but can not fly. Polar bears do not live with penguins. Penguins live on Africa's beaches , the North pole and the South Pole. When penguins need to move their egg they put the egg in between both of their feet and start to waddle. Penguins are mostly scared of sea lions and killer whales.

The oldest orangutan 55 years old

The oldest orangutan named Nonja has died at the age of 55 at the Miami zoo. Everyone was sad. Orangutans are the closest relatives to humans. Nonja was born on an Indonesian island and came to Miami zoo in 1983. Nonja was found dead Saturday morning. A usual lifespan for Sumatran orangutans is 40 -50 years. Nonja slowed down each year because of oldness.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tiger attack at San Fransisco zoo

A couple days ago a tiger at the San Fransisco zoo escaped from its cage and killed 1 person and also hurt 2 people. Sumatran tigers are put in cages with 16 foot cement walls around the cage. This was not expected to happen because the tiger must have climbed out. It was unclear how the tiger escaped or how long it was on the loose. The approximately 300-pound female Siberian tiger, named Tatiana, attacked a zoo keeper last December during a public feeding. I think that the San Fransisco zoo will try to make the walls higher so another tiger wont escape and hurt or kill someone.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Baltimore Oriole

The Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) is the official Maryland bird. The baltimore oriel has a bright orange body and a black head. In 1894, Baltimore's major league baseball team was named after the bird. Maryland made special provisions to protect the Baltimore Oriole in 1882.


Chinchillas have very soft fur. My sister has one she plays with him every day! A chinchilla's teeth are healthy if they are orange. Their teeth grow longer all the time so they have to have something to chew on. The only bad thing about chinchillas is that they poop a lot. I think it's horrible that it takes 200 chinchillas to make a fur coat. And that's and that's the reason they are endangered. When exploring their surroundings, chinchillas stand on their hind legs and sniff around. Chinchillas enjoy eating hay, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

50th post

Thank you everybody who reads my blog. I have worked very hard. I know I forget to post sometimes to publish posts. Remember to Email me at

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Dolphins are one of the smartest animals in the world. They are known to be the most popular sea creature. Dolphin like creatures were alive around 65 million years ago. The river dolphin is one of the few kinds of dolphins that live in a river. I went to Atlantis and swam with a dolphins they are really social creatures. If it was somone's birthday the dolphin would go get a rock to give them a present. Some people believe that dolphins can scare away sharks by hitting them with their head.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Hyena's can make 12 different sounds. They are sneaky scavengers for food. They steal other animal's food. Hyenas are nocturnal. That means that they are mostly going to be up at night and not very active during the day. Hyenas are moderately large terrestrial carnivores native to Africa, Arabia, Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

African Elephant

African elephants are the tallest land animal.Some male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall! That's more than twice as tall as many human adults. Elephants can weigh as much as a school bus—between ten and fourteen thousand pounds! Elephants smell, drink, eat, and wash themselves with their long trunks. They have tusks that help them get food and carry heavy objects. They poop 80 pounds in one day. They can run about 24mph for short distances.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


A giraffe makes a low pitched sound thats called a bleat. Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. No two giraffes have the same pattern. The giraffe most often seen in zoos is the reticulated giraffe, which has large, liver colored spots outlined by white. This giraffe is seen in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. Giraffes are vegetarians they eat leafs of trees. A male giraffe is known as a bull and a female as a cow. The baby giraffe is called a calf.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


The stripes of a zebra may make it difficult for predators to identify a single animal from a running herd and distort distance at dawn and dusk. Zebras are social animals that spend time in herds. They graze together, primarily on grass, and even groom one another. Plains (Burchell's) zebras are the most common species. They live in small family groups consisting of a male, several females, and their young. These units may combine with others to form awe-inspiring herds thousands of head strong, but family members will remain together in the herd. Zebras must be constantly wary of lions and hyenas. A herd has many eyes alert to danger. If an animal is attacked, its family will come to its defense, circling the wounded zebra and attempting to drive off predators.